waaah, dah berabuk, berserawang blog ni.almaklum la dulu bz...la ni?? la ni dah x bz, cuma bzbody hahaha.. apapon dah lama x ber"blog"...bukan x sempat.. maybe takde masa kottt.. betoi ka ayat aku nihh..
so, from now, bermula lahhhhhhh...... (klu rajin update lahh..klu tak berhabuk dan berserawanglah lagii..)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
kembali ber"BLOG"
0 commentsFriday, February 18, 2011
Mutiara Kata Imam Al-Ghazali
0 commentsPosted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:20 AM
10 pesanan Luqman Al-Hakim pada anaknya..
1 commentsPosted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:14 AM
Thursday, February 17, 2011
word of wisdoms
0 commentsPosted by thohirah binti shahidan at 10:38 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Exam and last class for STIM5013
0 comments12th Feb 2011 was last exam and last class for me on master subject..no more class and exam after this..just left master's thesis.. sobsob..thanks for our leturer Assoc. Prof. Azizi B. Zakaria, my group members : Ms.Khairunnisa & Ms.Zalifah, and all fellow friend....i will miss our memories together...<3 u ols~
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:13 PM
Presentation on 05 February 2010
0 commentson 05 feb 2010, i have a major presentation for it for manager class.. seriusly, sooo nervous and i go to ladies for many many time.. i dont know why, but its really make me scared..ngee~...
my group was present on topic "E-Learning", sound simple, but actually no..no..no...not... hard to find information.. but..past is past.... and i think our group perform 95% good :).. bad??only for the bullets on the slide and and.. and... "english" is not so fluence.. especially on my part:)...
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 11:44 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Salam Maulidurrasul 1432H
0 commentsSempena ketibaan Maulidur Rasul kali ini, marilah sama-sama kita mengingati insan agung yang begitu mulia dan baik budi perkertinya, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Perbanyakkan selawat kepada banginda. Begitu banyak kisah hidup baginda dipahat menjadi sejarah agung yang tak mungkin kita lupakan.
Sempena peringatan Mauilid Nabi SAW ini, saya juga ingin berkongsi bersama saudara saudari, muslimin muslimat sekalian berkenaan pengajaran dan iktibar yang dapat kita ambil daripada peristiwa yang penuh bersejarah ini.
Kisah perjalanan hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semenjak lahir, hidup Baginda SAW penuh dengan liku dan pancaroba kehidupan. Baginda menjadi anak yatim pada usia bayi dan merupakan suatu dugaan besar bagi Baginda. Ini membentuk jiwa yang kental dan tabah.
Mukjizat-mukjizat yang berlaku terhadap Baginda SAW di saat kelahiran dan sepanjang zaman kanak2, membuktikan kepada kita umat Islam dan umat manusia seluruhnya bahawa inilah penyelamat dunia yang ALLAH utuskan. ALLAH menghendaki Nabi Muhammad dikenali oleh semua umat manusia atas mukabumi sejak kecil lagi agar hujah orientalis barat dan orang2 yang berniat jahat terhadap Muhammad SAW dapat dipatahkan dgn mudah.
Ulang tahun kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW itu memang digalakkan untuk kita umat Islam mengingatinya tapi hendaklah kena dengan caranya. Kita boleh menyambutnya dengan memperbanyakkan selawat dan ibadah khusus2 yang dibuat oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai tanda kecintaan kita kepada Baginda SAw.
Firman ALLAH yg bermaksud, "Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) sekiranya kamu cintakan ALLAH, maka ikutlah aku, nescaya ALLAH akan mencintai kamu, dan mengampunkan dosa2 kamu, Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang." Kita tidak menyambutnya dengan mengadakan acara yang bercanggah dengan Islam umpamanya bercampur gaul antara lelaki dan perempuan berarak menyambut Maulid Nabi.
Pernah suatu ketika apabila baginda SAW melihat Yahudi berpuasa Asyura sempena mengingati kisah terselamatnya Nabi Musa daripada Fir'aun dan bala tenteranya ketika melintasi laut merah, Nabi SAW sendiri bersabda, "Kami adalah lebih berhak daripada kamu tentang Musa (amalan berpuasa)." Maknanya nabi sendiri mengiktiraf peringatan peristiwa agama. Maka sudah tentulah kita umat Islam lebih2 lagi perlu mengingati kelahiran Nabi SAW.
Seharusnya kita menanamkan azam untuk mengikuti sunnahnya sebagaimana firman ALLAH,"Dan apa2 yang datang daripada Rasul , maka ambillah. Dan apa2 yang ditegahnya kamu daripadanya, maka hindarkanlah."
Kita juga sepatutnya menghayati sifat2 yang ada pada diri Rasulullah SAW sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh A'isyah apabila ditanya sahabat bagaimanakah akhlak Baginda. Maka dijawabnya bahawa akhlak nabi ialah Al Qur'an. Antara sifat2 yang perlu dicontohi ialah BERANI, AMANAH, BERCAKAP BENAR, MENYAMPAIKAN DAKWAH dan CERDIK/BIJAKSANA.
Yang terakhir adalah, kita harus menyusuri kisah perjuangan Nabi SAW sepanjang bergelar Rasulullah SAW dan cuba merealisasikan dalam kehidupan kita sendiri, insyaAllah.
Marilah kita beramai-ramai amalkan sunnah Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW, Allahuakbar!!!
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 1:17 AM
Doa mudah belajar
Dalam kehidupan kita, kita tidak terlepas mempelajari ilmu2 baru.maka, saya selitkan doa ini supaya kita mudah memahami dan mengingati ilmu yg kita pelajari..
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:57 AM
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I have finals coming up soon, and I don’t even know where to start!
0 comments- The final exam schedule
- Exams are given in three hour blocks, but the actual length of the exam is up to your professor
- If you are scheduled for three final exams on the same day, you may move one exam to a different day and/or time.
- You must inform your instructor. If you are scheduled for more than one exam on the same day and time, you must inform your instructors and have one of the exams moved.
- (ME! have final exam on 9,10,11 (night),12...fuhh)...
1)Determine the content coverage and question format of the exam.
2)Organize and separate the content into parts.
3)Identify specific study strategies, making adjustmentst of it your unique learning style and the nature of the material
4)Estimate the amount of time needed to study each part.
5)Allocate time for each study strategy, spread ou tovertime.Don’t cram!
6)Modify the plan as needed–more time for a subject,or asking a professor or tutor for help.
- Express your needs: For each course, you need to sit down and assess how much of the course material you have read, how you stand going into the exam, what percentage of the final grade the exam is worth, how much of a priority the class is, and what format the exam will take. Review your term assessment on page 3. Those answers will determine how much intensity and time you must put into your preparation. At this time, collect any class notes you are missing from others in the class - do this politely and gratefully, as offenders tend to get remembered.
- Organize & schedule: First, decide how much time you need to study for each course, and when you intend on studying for them. You can make a study schedule that dictates by which dates you need to have finished studying particular sections of individual courses. Include time for breaks, exercise, meals, and sleep. Decide which sections need more emphasis, and which can be skipped if you are crunched for time. Avoid studying for similar subjects back-to-back as it will create confusion in your head, and you can get bored VERY easily.
- Read & review: After all this organization, it’s finally time to study. First, finish any readings you have skipped and review your notes,picking out key concepts and listing important terms. Review any old assignments as they will help anticipate the type of questions that will be asked on the exam. While doing this, make a new set of study notes, as you will retain more by writing it down.
- Test yourself: ... in a way related to how the course and exam are structured. Create generic and detailed questions to ask yourself. When testing yourself, sort through your study guide to answer each question. On a separate piece of paper, you may want to copy out fuller answers, referring back to your notes and the text to find further examples or details to fully support your answer.
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 2:14 PM
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Habits of Highly Excellent People
0 commentsThese habits aren't "ingrained", or "genetic"; they are habits that anyone like you and me can cultivate. Just like Stephen Covey's 7 habits will help anyone become highly effective, these 7 habits of highly excellent people will help anyone become excellent. I find that as long as anyone practices these habits, excellence is always a given. And I'm more happy to share with you these habits. Here they are:
- Have the end in mind.
This is the same habit as Stephen Covey's 1st habit, and with good reason. Everything starts with the end - the goal or the vision you want to fulfill. If you don't know what the end is, then there's no way of getting there, is there? Imagine getting into a cab. What do you first do when you get into the cab? Maybe you say hi to the taxi driver, then what? You tell the driver where you want to go, so that he can take you there. Similarly, you need to know what is the end you want to reach in order to get there.
Hence, it's critical that you form clear goals of what exactly you want. What do you want? What is the end you envision? What are your personal goals and dreams for yourself? Personally, I have a vision board beside my bed where I have my dreams plastered over it. These dreams include developing The Personal Excellence Blog into one of the top personal development blogs, running my international personal excellence school, speaking to tens and thousands of people in seminars, achieving world peace, finding my soul mate, hitting the best seller's list with my books, and so on. These dreams remind me of what exactly I want and drive me forward every day. - Do what you love.
When you do something you love, it's like you have unlimited fuel that keeps you going- day after day. The hunger to excel in it is just greater than if you do anything else. Every day, I'm endlessly driven to build and write at my blog, because it's for a cause I believe in. Helping people grow and live their best life is the one thing I know I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
I have a coaching client who has tried to start 4-5 different ventures before (one at a time), and he was never able to succeed in any of them. Why was this the case? It wasn't that he was stupid, or that he was lazy. Ultimately, the reason was because he wasn't passionate about the things he was pursuing - he was just chasing money. The nature of the business didn't appeal to him emotionally. This is not to say starting businesses because you want to earn money is bad - all I'm saying is it's important that you love what you want to do first and foremost.
What is it you love to do? If you are not sure what your passion is yet, then what is something you are most eager to try at the moment? If you can choose to do anything, what will it be? Your love and interest are fuels that will drive you towards excellence. - Work harder than anyone else.
I don't know of anyone who has achieved excellent results who hasn't worked hard for them. A big component of excellence is hard work. Sheer, unadulterated hard work. We can streamline processes, choose effective strategies and steps, but ultimately the hard work will still have to come in. Fortunately, if you are doing what you love (step #2), work wouldn't even be work at all.
In the past year since I set up The Personal Excellence Blog, I have spent countless hours, including weekends, building up the blog and writing high quality articles for readers out there. All these have paid off in their own way. I'm not saying you should abandon all social life because that defeats the purpose, but you will have to dedicate yourself to making your business a success. This year in 2010, I intend to increase my efforts even more compared to 2009, and I know it's going to pay off. - Make use of every moment.
Every moment counts. Excellent people know that time is highly valuable. There's this quote by Donald Trump which I read in one of his books, and I absolutely love it. He said that time is more precious than money, because you can earn back money, but you can't get back time. That is absolutely true.
Hence, I'm always making sure that I'm maximizing every moment. If I'm commuting over a distance, I'll pick up a book or listen to a podcast. If I'm out waiting for a friend, I'll take the chance to do something meaningful for the time being. If there are some pockets of time, I'll take out my laptop and do some work.
Note that this habit doesn't mean working like a hog, 24x7. That wouldn't be a true application of this habit. Making use of every moment also refers to knowing when to rest and rejuvenate when it's needed, because this will help us walk the longer mile on the path of excellence. - Take action to achieve your results.
Living a life of excellence means being a proponent of action. Many people often say "The sky is the limit". My personal philosophy is the sky isn't the limit; we are the limit. Whatever we do or don't do will determine how much we can grow or achieve. If we want to grow and achieve great results, we need to take the equivalent actions to reach the results we want.
For example, many people agree that having press and media feature their business can greatly benefit them, but they believe it only happens when you are prominent enough. While that's usually true, I refuse to let that stop me. I took proactive steps to reach out to the press, writing my own press release and creating a strong story angle so the press would want to feature me. To date, I've been featured in the press for almost 20 times. To read more about how to be featured by the press, you can check out my guest post at Problogger: How To Get Featured By the Press (Repeatedly) Even If Your Blog is New. - Continuously upgrade yourself.
Learning never stops. There is always something we can do to become better. We may have great skills and knowledge today, but no matter how great they may be, our skills need to be continuously developed. Excellent people are always learning, reading, exposing themselves to new knowledge, new people, new contexts and developing their skills. If you have played role-playing games or RPGs before, you would know that the characters need to be leveled up to get stronger and progress to the next level. Likewise, we need to always be leveling ourselves up to achieve excellence. - Ask for feedback.
No matter how much we try to improve, we will have blind spots. Blind spots are things about ourselves that we don't know about, and we can't improve on things that we are blind to. Asking for feedback is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve.
For everything I do, I make it a point to gather feedback. For example, when I was in my previous job, I would often ask my manager and peers for feedback on how I could improve. With my friends, sometimes I would have a random feedback session with them on how I can do things better. As I run The Personal Excellence Blog, I would invite my readers to send in their feedback, either through comments, emails or private messages. Sometimes the feedback is predictable, sometimes it's not and many times it leads to an epiphany on some level. - Strive for #1 in what you do.
... Wait, you didn't think that there would just be 7 habits in achieving excellence, did you?
There's 1 final habit to become a highly excellent person - that is, to strive for #1 in what you do. No one's going to achieve excellence if they aim for average, or mediocrity. Excellence comes from aiming for the top - being #1. This #1 should be better than whoever is #1 at the moment, because it will spur you on to work even harder. You will only achieve great results when you set high standards for yourself.
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 3:44 AM
Rahsia wanita tanah, api, air dan angin.
0 commentsMungkin tidak ramai diantara kita yang pernah mendengar bahawa kita mempunyai beberapa sifat yang dipengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur alam seperti tanah, air, api dan angin. Perkara ini merupakan petua orang-orang Melayu bagi memilih pasangan. Bagi lelaki yang berunsur api elakkan dari memilih pasangan yang mempunyai unsur sepertinya. Tapi itu hanyalah pandangan orang tua-tua. Penentuan unsur seseorang ditentukan melalui anak ke berapa dalam keluarga.
Tanah – anak pertama, kelima, kesembilan
Air – kedua, keenam, kesepuluh
Api – ketiga, ketujuh, kesebelas
Angin – keempat, kelapan, kedua-belas
Tanah yang subur mampu membuahi tanaman yang hijau dan mekar. Wanita yang bersifat tanah biasanya mempunyai sifat-sifat seperti:
- Rendah diri di hadapan suaminya serta hormat dan patuh, setia serta rela berkorban demi kasih sayangnya kepada suami.
- Sebahagian sifat tanah, wanita jenis ini tidak cerewet, tidak suka bercakap meninggikan diri, tidak menyombong dan bukan seorang pemarah.
- Tenang dan mengamankan jiwa suami, selalu memberi galakan dan sokongan dan tidak suka membantah atau membangkang.
- Orang yang berperawakan manis dan lemah lembut, pembersih dan sentiasa menjaga kecantikan untuk suami.
Air sifatnya bersih dan suci, sejuk, nyaman serta menghilangkan dahaga. Air juga sifatnya mencambahkan benih, menyuburkan serta menyegarkan. Wanita bersifat air mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut:
- Menghidupkan hati suami menjadikan suami sentiasa bersemangat.
- Mengambil berat tentang suami dan kebajikan anak-anak serta tidak membiarkan anak-anak hanyut dibawa arus hidup.
- Hatinya bersih serta boleh membahagiakan suami dan anak-anak.
- Menenangkan hati suami bila si suami menghadapi masalah.
Api sifatnya panas dan membakar tapi menerangi kegelapan malam. Ia juga menghangatkan kedinginan malam serta digunakan untuk memasak. Wanita bersifat api:
- Cintanya sentiasa hangat membara kepada suami serta kuat cemburu.
- Cergas dan cepat dalam geraklaku menjadikan dia seorang yang cekap dalam menguruskan hal-hal rumahtangga.
- Penasihat yang baik kepada suami.
- Pandai dan cekap menguruskan rumahtangga. Pandai menghias diri agar kelihatan cantik dan menarik dihadapan suami.
- Sentiasa waspada dan cepat bertindak bagi menyelamatkan keadaan.
Angin meredakan kehangatan, menjadi sumber tenaga. Wanita yang berunsurkan angin:
- Mempunyai sifat lemah lembut dan menyenangkan suami.
Wanita tanah dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Taurus (21 Apr – 20 May), Virgo (24 Aug – 23 Sept) dan Capricon (22 Dec – 20 Jan)
Seorang yang boleh dijangka, berwibawa dan praktikal penyabar dan bertolak ansur, mempunyai kehendak dalaman dari segi emosi dan material. Semangat produktif dan gigih yang disertai dengan sikap berhati-hati menjadikan wanita tanah berkemampuan mencapai kejayaan dalam perniagaan. Kebijaksanaan dan kepintaran yang diperolehi sering tersembunyi oleh air muka semulajadi yang pendiam dan tenang. Sifat marah yang terkawal serta keperluan untuk keteguhan dan kawalan sering terbawa-bawa dalam perhubungan yang amat konservatif, serius dan sederhana. Tidak mudah menunjukkan sifat penyayang tetapi wanita tanah adalah seorang kekasih yang setia dan berwibawa.
Wanita api dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Aries (21 Mac – 20 Apr), Leo (24 Jul – 23 Aug) dan Sagittarius (23 Nov – 21 Dec)
Dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin. Mempunyai kekuatan diri dan biasanya enggan menerima pendapat orang lain walaupun ianya benar. Seorang yang artistik dan sukar dijangka, tetapi biasanya romantis dan tidak pemalu mempunyai personaliti suka menguasai dan mendominasi tetapi boleh mengimbangi sifat-sifat ini dengan sikap yang pemurah, mesra dan menunjukkan sifat yang mendalam terhadap sesuatu yang disukainya. Suka berterus terang dan tidak berselindung menyebabkan orang yang dikasihi merasa sedih dan terhiris. Jujur dan mahu hubungan peribadi berjalan dengan lancar. Wanita api harus diberikan ruang yang cukup luas untuk menjadikan perhubungan itu terus berkesan. Tidak keberatan untuk beralih arah jika berasa tertekan.
Mereka ini lahir di bawah lambang Gemini (22 May – 21 Jun), Libra (24 Sept – 23 Oct) dan Aquarius (21 Jan – 19 Feb)
Berterus terang, berminda aktif dan gemar mencari kepelbagaian dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Berfikiran terbuka, mempunyai daya imaginasi dan inovatif, bagi mereka segalanya boleh dicapai. Bergaya, tenang dan tidak cerewet serta mempunyai keinginan semulajadi untuk mengamalkan sikap diplomasi dan saling bekerjasama bersungguh-sungguh. Sanggup mengorbankan kehendak atau idea mereka sendiri demi mencapai keharmonian dan mengelakkan perselisihan atau konflik. Sentiasa gigih untuk mendapatkan cinta yang terunggul, untuk berkonfrantasi. Kurang cenderung untuk menyampaikan perasaan sebenar yang terpendam dalam hati mereka. Dikenali dan diingati kerana sifat romantis dan manja.
Wanita air dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Cancer (22 Jun – 23 Jul), Scorpio (24 Oct – 22 Nov) dan Pisces (20 Feb – 20 Mac)
Mempunyai sifat semulajadi untuk berkembang maju. Mereka ini dipandu oleh perasaan hati. Mempunyai sifat mudah bersimpati. Berdaya imaginatif sentimental Mempunyai perasaan yang berubah-ubah, berhati-hati, tenang dan mudah tersentuh oleh emosi orang-orang yang berada disekeliling dan cepat mengeluarkan air mata dalam sebarang situasi yang menyedihkan. Mudah mengikut rentak emosi orang lain dan juga diri sendiri.
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 3:03 AM
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
gooD CV
0 commentsFor many students, writing a resume is a complete mystery. Your resume is one of the most important documents you own. How you "package" yourself is essential to your job placement. It should be an honest reflection of your qualifications and transferable skills and should present your skills in the best possible light. Resumes are snapshots of your knowledge, skills, abilities, qualifications, transferable skills, and professional achievements. there some tips in well written your resume. GOOD LUCK in job hunter!
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 10:14 AM
0 commentsLast Monday, 17th January, we have site visit to Binak Quary, Pendang. This is one of rquirement for OSHA class under Mr.Munauwar to completing our subject...
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 9:33 AM
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Iphone vs Blackberry vs Android
0 commentsThere are some perception the user of blackberry, I-phone and android toward themselves and other users..look yourself in which catagories?? android? dinasour??? |
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 11:36 PM
usING Caps Lock ON vs OFF
0 commentsPosted by thohirah binti shahidan at 11:17 PM
wHAt YOu CaN SEe????
0 commentswhat this?
what in this picture?
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:17 AM
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Dangeroues of Plastic !!!!
0 comments--Regina Fujan, Lincoln, NE
- Repeated re-use of such bottles—which get dinged up through normal wear and tear and while being washed—increases the chance that chemicals will leak out of the tiny cracks and crevices that develop over time. According to the Environment California Research & Policy Center, which reviewed 130 studies on the topic, BPA has been linked to breast and uterine cancer, an increased risk of miscarriage, and decreased testosterone levels. BPA can also wreak havoc on children’s developing systems. (Parents beware: Most baby bottles and sippy cups are made with plastics containing BPA.) Most experts agree that the amount of BPA that could leach into food and drinks through normal handling is probably very small, but there are concerns about the cumulative effect of small doses.
- Health advocates also recommend not reusing bottles made from plastic #1 (polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE), including most disposable water, soda and juice bottles. According to The Green Guide, such bottles may be safe for one-time use, but reuse should be avoided because studies indicate they may leach DEHP—another probable human carcinogen—when they are in less than perfect condition. The good news is that such bottles are easy to recycle; just about every municipal recycling system will take them back. But using them is nonetheless far from environmentally responsible: The nonprofit Berkeley Ecology Center found that the manufacture of plastic #1 uses large amounts of energy and resources and generates toxic emissions and pollutants that contribute to global warming. And even though PET bottles can be recycled, millions find their way into landfills every day in the U.S. alone.
- Another bad choice for water bottles, reusable or otherwise, is plastic #3 (polyvinyl chloride/PVC), which can leach hormone-disrupting chemicals into the liquids they are storing and will release synthetic carcinogens into the environment when incinerated. Plastic #6 (polystyrene/PS), has been shown to leach styrene, a probable human carcinogen, into food and drinks as well.
- Safer choices include bottles crafted from safer HDPE (plastic #2), low-density polyethylene (LDPE, AKA plastic #4) or polypropylene (PP, or plastic #5). Consumers may have a hard time finding water bottles made out of #4 or #5, however. Aluminum bottles, such as those made by SIGG and sold in many natural food and product markets, and stainless steel water bottles are also safe choices and can be reused repeatedly and eventually recycled.
Posted by thohirah binti shahidan at 12:09 AM
kembali ber"BLOG"
so, from now, bermula lahhhhhhh......
Mutiara Kata Imam Al-Ghazali
10 pesanan Luqman Al-Hakim pada anaknya..
word of wisdoms
Exam and last class for STIM5013
Presentation on 05 February 2010
my group was present on topic "E-Learning", sound simple, but actually no..no..no...not... hard to find information.. but..past is past.... and i think our group perform 95% good :).. bad??only for the bullets on the slide and and.. and... "english" is not so fluence.. especially on my part:)...
Salam Maulidurrasul 1432H
Sempena ketibaan Maulidur Rasul kali ini, marilah sama-sama kita mengingati insan agung yang begitu mulia dan baik budi perkertinya, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Perbanyakkan selawat kepada banginda. Begitu banyak kisah hidup baginda dipahat menjadi sejarah agung yang tak mungkin kita lupakan.
Sempena peringatan Mauilid Nabi SAW ini, saya juga ingin berkongsi bersama saudara saudari, muslimin muslimat sekalian berkenaan pengajaran dan iktibar yang dapat kita ambil daripada peristiwa yang penuh bersejarah ini.
Kisah perjalanan hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semenjak lahir, hidup Baginda SAW penuh dengan liku dan pancaroba kehidupan. Baginda menjadi anak yatim pada usia bayi dan merupakan suatu dugaan besar bagi Baginda. Ini membentuk jiwa yang kental dan tabah.
Mukjizat-mukjizat yang berlaku terhadap Baginda SAW di saat kelahiran dan sepanjang zaman kanak2, membuktikan kepada kita umat Islam dan umat manusia seluruhnya bahawa inilah penyelamat dunia yang ALLAH utuskan. ALLAH menghendaki Nabi Muhammad dikenali oleh semua umat manusia atas mukabumi sejak kecil lagi agar hujah orientalis barat dan orang2 yang berniat jahat terhadap Muhammad SAW dapat dipatahkan dgn mudah.
Ulang tahun kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW itu memang digalakkan untuk kita umat Islam mengingatinya tapi hendaklah kena dengan caranya. Kita boleh menyambutnya dengan memperbanyakkan selawat dan ibadah khusus2 yang dibuat oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai tanda kecintaan kita kepada Baginda SAw.
Firman ALLAH yg bermaksud, "Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) sekiranya kamu cintakan ALLAH, maka ikutlah aku, nescaya ALLAH akan mencintai kamu, dan mengampunkan dosa2 kamu, Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang." Kita tidak menyambutnya dengan mengadakan acara yang bercanggah dengan Islam umpamanya bercampur gaul antara lelaki dan perempuan berarak menyambut Maulid Nabi.
Pernah suatu ketika apabila baginda SAW melihat Yahudi berpuasa Asyura sempena mengingati kisah terselamatnya Nabi Musa daripada Fir'aun dan bala tenteranya ketika melintasi laut merah, Nabi SAW sendiri bersabda, "Kami adalah lebih berhak daripada kamu tentang Musa (amalan berpuasa)." Maknanya nabi sendiri mengiktiraf peringatan peristiwa agama. Maka sudah tentulah kita umat Islam lebih2 lagi perlu mengingati kelahiran Nabi SAW.
Seharusnya kita menanamkan azam untuk mengikuti sunnahnya sebagaimana firman ALLAH,"Dan apa2 yang datang daripada Rasul , maka ambillah. Dan apa2 yang ditegahnya kamu daripadanya, maka hindarkanlah."
Kita juga sepatutnya menghayati sifat2 yang ada pada diri Rasulullah SAW sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh A'isyah apabila ditanya sahabat bagaimanakah akhlak Baginda. Maka dijawabnya bahawa akhlak nabi ialah Al Qur'an. Antara sifat2 yang perlu dicontohi ialah BERANI, AMANAH, BERCAKAP BENAR, MENYAMPAIKAN DAKWAH dan CERDIK/BIJAKSANA.
Yang terakhir adalah, kita harus menyusuri kisah perjuangan Nabi SAW sepanjang bergelar Rasulullah SAW dan cuba merealisasikan dalam kehidupan kita sendiri, insyaAllah.
Marilah kita beramai-ramai amalkan sunnah Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW, Allahuakbar!!!
Doa mudah belajar
Dalam kehidupan kita, kita tidak terlepas mempelajari ilmu2 baru.maka, saya selitkan doa ini supaya kita mudah memahami dan mengingati ilmu yg kita pelajari..
I have finals coming up soon, and I don’t even know where to start!
- The final exam schedule
- Exams are given in three hour blocks, but the actual length of the exam is up to your professor
- If you are scheduled for three final exams on the same day, you may move one exam to a different day and/or time.
- You must inform your instructor. If you are scheduled for more than one exam on the same day and time, you must inform your instructors and have one of the exams moved.
- (ME! have final exam on 9,10,11 (night),12...fuhh)...
1)Determine the content coverage and question format of the exam.
2)Organize and separate the content into parts.
3)Identify specific study strategies, making adjustmentst of it your unique learning style and the nature of the material
4)Estimate the amount of time needed to study each part.
5)Allocate time for each study strategy, spread ou tovertime.Don’t cram!
6)Modify the plan as needed–more time for a subject,or asking a professor or tutor for help.
- Express your needs: For each course, you need to sit down and assess how much of the course material you have read, how you stand going into the exam, what percentage of the final grade the exam is worth, how much of a priority the class is, and what format the exam will take. Review your term assessment on page 3. Those answers will determine how much intensity and time you must put into your preparation. At this time, collect any class notes you are missing from others in the class - do this politely and gratefully, as offenders tend to get remembered.
- Organize & schedule: First, decide how much time you need to study for each course, and when you intend on studying for them. You can make a study schedule that dictates by which dates you need to have finished studying particular sections of individual courses. Include time for breaks, exercise, meals, and sleep. Decide which sections need more emphasis, and which can be skipped if you are crunched for time. Avoid studying for similar subjects back-to-back as it will create confusion in your head, and you can get bored VERY easily.
- Read & review: After all this organization, it’s finally time to study. First, finish any readings you have skipped and review your notes,picking out key concepts and listing important terms. Review any old assignments as they will help anticipate the type of questions that will be asked on the exam. While doing this, make a new set of study notes, as you will retain more by writing it down.
- Test yourself: ... in a way related to how the course and exam are structured. Create generic and detailed questions to ask yourself. When testing yourself, sort through your study guide to answer each question. On a separate piece of paper, you may want to copy out fuller answers, referring back to your notes and the text to find further examples or details to fully support your answer.
Habits of Highly Excellent People
- Have the end in mind.
This is the same habit as Stephen Covey's 1st habit, and with good reason. Everything starts with the end - the goal or the vision you want to fulfill. If you don't know what the end is, then there's no way of getting there, is there? Imagine getting into a cab. What do you first do when you get into the cab? Maybe you say hi to the taxi driver, then what? You tell the driver where you want to go, so that he can take you there. Similarly, you need to know what is the end you want to reach in order to get there.
Hence, it's critical that you form clear goals of what exactly you want. What do you want? What is the end you envision? What are your personal goals and dreams for yourself? Personally, I have a vision board beside my bed where I have my dreams plastered over it. These dreams include developing The Personal Excellence Blog into one of the top personal development blogs, running my international personal excellence school, speaking to tens and thousands of people in seminars, achieving world peace, finding my soul mate, hitting the best seller's list with my books, and so on. These dreams remind me of what exactly I want and drive me forward every day. - Do what you love.
When you do something you love, it's like you have unlimited fuel that keeps you going- day after day. The hunger to excel in it is just greater than if you do anything else. Every day, I'm endlessly driven to build and write at my blog, because it's for a cause I believe in. Helping people grow and live their best life is the one thing I know I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
I have a coaching client who has tried to start 4-5 different ventures before (one at a time), and he was never able to succeed in any of them. Why was this the case? It wasn't that he was stupid, or that he was lazy. Ultimately, the reason was because he wasn't passionate about the things he was pursuing - he was just chasing money. The nature of the business didn't appeal to him emotionally. This is not to say starting businesses because you want to earn money is bad - all I'm saying is it's important that you love what you want to do first and foremost.
What is it you love to do? If you are not sure what your passion is yet, then what is something you are most eager to try at the moment? If you can choose to do anything, what will it be? Your love and interest are fuels that will drive you towards excellence. - Work harder than anyone else.
I don't know of anyone who has achieved excellent results who hasn't worked hard for them. A big component of excellence is hard work. Sheer, unadulterated hard work. We can streamline processes, choose effective strategies and steps, but ultimately the hard work will still have to come in. Fortunately, if you are doing what you love (step #2), work wouldn't even be work at all.
In the past year since I set up The Personal Excellence Blog, I have spent countless hours, including weekends, building up the blog and writing high quality articles for readers out there. All these have paid off in their own way. I'm not saying you should abandon all social life because that defeats the purpose, but you will have to dedicate yourself to making your business a success. This year in 2010, I intend to increase my efforts even more compared to 2009, and I know it's going to pay off. - Make use of every moment.
Every moment counts. Excellent people know that time is highly valuable. There's this quote by Donald Trump which I read in one of his books, and I absolutely love it. He said that time is more precious than money, because you can earn back money, but you can't get back time. That is absolutely true.
Hence, I'm always making sure that I'm maximizing every moment. If I'm commuting over a distance, I'll pick up a book or listen to a podcast. If I'm out waiting for a friend, I'll take the chance to do something meaningful for the time being. If there are some pockets of time, I'll take out my laptop and do some work.
Note that this habit doesn't mean working like a hog, 24x7. That wouldn't be a true application of this habit. Making use of every moment also refers to knowing when to rest and rejuvenate when it's needed, because this will help us walk the longer mile on the path of excellence. - Take action to achieve your results.
Living a life of excellence means being a proponent of action. Many people often say "The sky is the limit". My personal philosophy is the sky isn't the limit; we are the limit. Whatever we do or don't do will determine how much we can grow or achieve. If we want to grow and achieve great results, we need to take the equivalent actions to reach the results we want.
For example, many people agree that having press and media feature their business can greatly benefit them, but they believe it only happens when you are prominent enough. While that's usually true, I refuse to let that stop me. I took proactive steps to reach out to the press, writing my own press release and creating a strong story angle so the press would want to feature me. To date, I've been featured in the press for almost 20 times. To read more about how to be featured by the press, you can check out my guest post at Problogger: How To Get Featured By the Press (Repeatedly) Even If Your Blog is New. - Continuously upgrade yourself.
Learning never stops. There is always something we can do to become better. We may have great skills and knowledge today, but no matter how great they may be, our skills need to be continuously developed. Excellent people are always learning, reading, exposing themselves to new knowledge, new people, new contexts and developing their skills. If you have played role-playing games or RPGs before, you would know that the characters need to be leveled up to get stronger and progress to the next level. Likewise, we need to always be leveling ourselves up to achieve excellence. - Ask for feedback.
No matter how much we try to improve, we will have blind spots. Blind spots are things about ourselves that we don't know about, and we can't improve on things that we are blind to. Asking for feedback is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve.
For everything I do, I make it a point to gather feedback. For example, when I was in my previous job, I would often ask my manager and peers for feedback on how I could improve. With my friends, sometimes I would have a random feedback session with them on how I can do things better. As I run The Personal Excellence Blog, I would invite my readers to send in their feedback, either through comments, emails or private messages. Sometimes the feedback is predictable, sometimes it's not and many times it leads to an epiphany on some level. - Strive for #1 in what you do.
... Wait, you didn't think that there would just be 7 habits in achieving excellence, did you?
There's 1 final habit to become a highly excellent person - that is, to strive for #1 in what you do. No one's going to achieve excellence if they aim for average, or mediocrity. Excellence comes from aiming for the top - being #1. This #1 should be better than whoever is #1 at the moment, because it will spur you on to work even harder. You will only achieve great results when you set high standards for yourself.
Rahsia wanita tanah, api, air dan angin.
Mungkin tidak ramai diantara kita yang pernah mendengar bahawa kita mempunyai beberapa sifat yang dipengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur alam seperti tanah, air, api dan angin. Perkara ini merupakan petua orang-orang Melayu bagi memilih pasangan. Bagi lelaki yang berunsur api elakkan dari memilih pasangan yang mempunyai unsur sepertinya. Tapi itu hanyalah pandangan orang tua-tua. Penentuan unsur seseorang ditentukan melalui anak ke berapa dalam keluarga.
Tanah – anak pertama, kelima, kesembilan
Air – kedua, keenam, kesepuluh
Api – ketiga, ketujuh, kesebelas
Angin – keempat, kelapan, kedua-belas
Tanah yang subur mampu membuahi tanaman yang hijau dan mekar. Wanita yang bersifat tanah biasanya mempunyai sifat-sifat seperti:
- Rendah diri di hadapan suaminya serta hormat dan patuh, setia serta rela berkorban demi kasih sayangnya kepada suami.
- Sebahagian sifat tanah, wanita jenis ini tidak cerewet, tidak suka bercakap meninggikan diri, tidak menyombong dan bukan seorang pemarah.
- Tenang dan mengamankan jiwa suami, selalu memberi galakan dan sokongan dan tidak suka membantah atau membangkang.
- Orang yang berperawakan manis dan lemah lembut, pembersih dan sentiasa menjaga kecantikan untuk suami.
Air sifatnya bersih dan suci, sejuk, nyaman serta menghilangkan dahaga. Air juga sifatnya mencambahkan benih, menyuburkan serta menyegarkan. Wanita bersifat air mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut:
- Menghidupkan hati suami menjadikan suami sentiasa bersemangat.
- Mengambil berat tentang suami dan kebajikan anak-anak serta tidak membiarkan anak-anak hanyut dibawa arus hidup.
- Hatinya bersih serta boleh membahagiakan suami dan anak-anak.
- Menenangkan hati suami bila si suami menghadapi masalah.
Api sifatnya panas dan membakar tapi menerangi kegelapan malam. Ia juga menghangatkan kedinginan malam serta digunakan untuk memasak. Wanita bersifat api:
- Cintanya sentiasa hangat membara kepada suami serta kuat cemburu.
- Cergas dan cepat dalam geraklaku menjadikan dia seorang yang cekap dalam menguruskan hal-hal rumahtangga.
- Penasihat yang baik kepada suami.
- Pandai dan cekap menguruskan rumahtangga. Pandai menghias diri agar kelihatan cantik dan menarik dihadapan suami.
- Sentiasa waspada dan cepat bertindak bagi menyelamatkan keadaan.
Angin meredakan kehangatan, menjadi sumber tenaga. Wanita yang berunsurkan angin:
- Mempunyai sifat lemah lembut dan menyenangkan suami.
Wanita tanah dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Taurus (21 Apr – 20 May), Virgo (24 Aug – 23 Sept) dan Capricon (22 Dec – 20 Jan)
Seorang yang boleh dijangka, berwibawa dan praktikal penyabar dan bertolak ansur, mempunyai kehendak dalaman dari segi emosi dan material. Semangat produktif dan gigih yang disertai dengan sikap berhati-hati menjadikan wanita tanah berkemampuan mencapai kejayaan dalam perniagaan. Kebijaksanaan dan kepintaran yang diperolehi sering tersembunyi oleh air muka semulajadi yang pendiam dan tenang. Sifat marah yang terkawal serta keperluan untuk keteguhan dan kawalan sering terbawa-bawa dalam perhubungan yang amat konservatif, serius dan sederhana. Tidak mudah menunjukkan sifat penyayang tetapi wanita tanah adalah seorang kekasih yang setia dan berwibawa.
Wanita api dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Aries (21 Mac – 20 Apr), Leo (24 Jul – 23 Aug) dan Sagittarius (23 Nov – 21 Dec)
Dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin. Mempunyai kekuatan diri dan biasanya enggan menerima pendapat orang lain walaupun ianya benar. Seorang yang artistik dan sukar dijangka, tetapi biasanya romantis dan tidak pemalu mempunyai personaliti suka menguasai dan mendominasi tetapi boleh mengimbangi sifat-sifat ini dengan sikap yang pemurah, mesra dan menunjukkan sifat yang mendalam terhadap sesuatu yang disukainya. Suka berterus terang dan tidak berselindung menyebabkan orang yang dikasihi merasa sedih dan terhiris. Jujur dan mahu hubungan peribadi berjalan dengan lancar. Wanita api harus diberikan ruang yang cukup luas untuk menjadikan perhubungan itu terus berkesan. Tidak keberatan untuk beralih arah jika berasa tertekan.
Mereka ini lahir di bawah lambang Gemini (22 May – 21 Jun), Libra (24 Sept – 23 Oct) dan Aquarius (21 Jan – 19 Feb)
Berterus terang, berminda aktif dan gemar mencari kepelbagaian dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Berfikiran terbuka, mempunyai daya imaginasi dan inovatif, bagi mereka segalanya boleh dicapai. Bergaya, tenang dan tidak cerewet serta mempunyai keinginan semulajadi untuk mengamalkan sikap diplomasi dan saling bekerjasama bersungguh-sungguh. Sanggup mengorbankan kehendak atau idea mereka sendiri demi mencapai keharmonian dan mengelakkan perselisihan atau konflik. Sentiasa gigih untuk mendapatkan cinta yang terunggul, untuk berkonfrantasi. Kurang cenderung untuk menyampaikan perasaan sebenar yang terpendam dalam hati mereka. Dikenali dan diingati kerana sifat romantis dan manja.
Wanita air dilahirkan di bawah zodiak Cancer (22 Jun – 23 Jul), Scorpio (24 Oct – 22 Nov) dan Pisces (20 Feb – 20 Mac)
Mempunyai sifat semulajadi untuk berkembang maju. Mereka ini dipandu oleh perasaan hati. Mempunyai sifat mudah bersimpati. Berdaya imaginatif sentimental Mempunyai perasaan yang berubah-ubah, berhati-hati, tenang dan mudah tersentuh oleh emosi orang-orang yang berada disekeliling dan cepat mengeluarkan air mata dalam sebarang situasi yang menyedihkan. Mudah mengikut rentak emosi orang lain dan juga diri sendiri.
gooD CV
Iphone vs Blackberry vs Android
There are some perception the user of blackberry, I-phone and android toward themselves and other users..look yourself in which catagories?? android? dinasour??? |
usING Caps Lock ON vs OFF
wHAt YOu CaN SEe????
what this?
what in this picture?
Dangeroues of Plastic !!!!
--Regina Fujan, Lincoln, NE
- Repeated re-use of such bottles—which get dinged up through normal wear and tear and while being washed—increases the chance that chemicals will leak out of the tiny cracks and crevices that develop over time. According to the Environment California Research & Policy Center, which reviewed 130 studies on the topic, BPA has been linked to breast and uterine cancer, an increased risk of miscarriage, and decreased testosterone levels. BPA can also wreak havoc on children’s developing systems. (Parents beware: Most baby bottles and sippy cups are made with plastics containing BPA.) Most experts agree that the amount of BPA that could leach into food and drinks through normal handling is probably very small, but there are concerns about the cumulative effect of small doses.
- Health advocates also recommend not reusing bottles made from plastic #1 (polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE), including most disposable water, soda and juice bottles. According to The Green Guide, such bottles may be safe for one-time use, but reuse should be avoided because studies indicate they may leach DEHP—another probable human carcinogen—when they are in less than perfect condition. The good news is that such bottles are easy to recycle; just about every municipal recycling system will take them back. But using them is nonetheless far from environmentally responsible: The nonprofit Berkeley Ecology Center found that the manufacture of plastic #1 uses large amounts of energy and resources and generates toxic emissions and pollutants that contribute to global warming. And even though PET bottles can be recycled, millions find their way into landfills every day in the U.S. alone.
- Another bad choice for water bottles, reusable or otherwise, is plastic #3 (polyvinyl chloride/PVC), which can leach hormone-disrupting chemicals into the liquids they are storing and will release synthetic carcinogens into the environment when incinerated. Plastic #6 (polystyrene/PS), has been shown to leach styrene, a probable human carcinogen, into food and drinks as well.
- Safer choices include bottles crafted from safer HDPE (plastic #2), low-density polyethylene (LDPE, AKA plastic #4) or polypropylene (PP, or plastic #5). Consumers may have a hard time finding water bottles made out of #4 or #5, however. Aluminum bottles, such as those made by SIGG and sold in many natural food and product markets, and stainless steel water bottles are also safe choices and can be reused repeatedly and eventually recycled.